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Maria Isabel has a best friend named Graciela, who has fallen in love with an engineer who her father, Felix, didn't match her up with and gets pregnant. The father without knowing about the pregnancy, orders to kill the engineer in a work accident. Knowing only about his death, Graciela prefers to escape home from her mean father before he makes her marry Antonio, a wedding match-up for her, and before her father finds out about her pregnancy. Maria Isabel runs away with her best friend after saying her goodbyes to her only parent, her father Pedro. While in Guadalajara, nine months later, Graciela gives birth to Rosa Isela the new addition to her life. Graciela soon thereafter dies of heart complications.
Maria Isabel has no choice but to run away with her "daughter" to Mexico as the dying wish of her best friend before Felix goes after her to steal his granddaughter. Sure enough the father goes after them and sees a doctor who broke the news of his daughter's death to him which makes him want his granddaughter even more. He spends alot of time trying to find Maria Isabel and the baby. While the searching continues, Maria Isabel is working as a maid in various houses.
Meanwhile, a millionare named Ricardo has learned about the illness of his wife and is blessed when after an operation Elisa is healthy. Elisa met a high school friend named Lucrecia who alongside her boyfriend Armando plan Elisa's death so Lucrecia moves on to Ricardo to get the $$$. The plan is a success and after a couple of months after his loved wife's tragic death, Ricardo slowly falls in love with this woman, not knowing the truth about her wicked side.
Eventually Maria Isabel lands on his doorstep begging for work and of course she gets it. After being a maid for so long, she falls in love with him and him with her, but neither of them knowing it. Ricardo one day finds out the truth about his wife's death and breaks off his engagement with Lucrecia. (Which puts her and her boyfriend in jail)
Then one day changes both of their lives. Felix finds his granddaughter and goes to Ricardo's house to get Rosa Isela. Maria Isabel has no other choice but to hand her to him. It was Rosa Isela's choice to go because she wanted to be rich and not a maid's daughter, which broke Maria Isabel's heart. Luckly, Ricardo was there to support her. Having a daughter of his own from Elisa, he knew the heart break. His daughter Gloria, ran away with her boyfriend. After a while Maria Isabel and Ricardo decide to get married.They go to Europe on their honeymoon completely happy but when they return they have a surprise waiting for them. Ricardo's ex-girlfriend Mireya, who still has a thing for him. She ruins everything, but there is always an upside to these things.
You will just have to watch to find out!